Claim Online Listing

claim your online Listing

Follow the instructions below to claim your ad listing on Parishes Online

  1. Create a login name and password for Parishes Online
  2. Go to the Parishes Online home page
  3. Click Log In in the upper right corner of the screen.
  4. Follow instructions on the screen to create your account.
  5. Once you have created your username and password make sure you are logged in to Parishes Online and proceed to the next step.
  6. Enter your organization or business name in the search bar on the home page of Parishes Online
  7. Find and select your organization or business in the search results. This will take you to the listing page.
  8. Select Do You Own This Business? on the right-hand side of the page underneath your supported communities.
  9. You will receive a confirmation within 48 hours when your account is verified.
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