Growing Authentic Generosity

Exploring Generosity

Session 1 of 3 in Webinar Series

Growing Autentic Generosity

This webinar will answer the question, “What is authentic generosity?” Join us as we explore generosity as a virtue and as a fruit of stewardship living, and explore how generosity “in the world” looks different than generosity “in the kingdom of God.” This conversation will set the stage for our next webinars, where we focus on the communal and individualistic aspects of generosity.

Special Guest: Cande de Leon

Cande de Leon serves as the Executive Director of Mission Advancement for the Diocese of Phoenix. He has served in the United States Marine Corps, earned a Master of Arts in Theology from Holy Apostles Seminary and College and a BBA from Texas A&M Corpus Christi. He has been happily married to Rosemary for over 20 years and has four daughters.

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